Austin Brown | Ypsilanti, MI 804.614.6467 |


As you may have gathered, my name is Austin Brown, and if you're looking at this website, there's a good chance you should hire me. I have a B.S. in Mathematical Sciences from Virginia Commonwealth University, as well as a wide range of technical skills that are not always included in your standard math major.

My coding experience includes Java, PHP, HTML with CSS, Javascript, Python (2.7 and 3.7), Mathematica, Octave/Matlab, Excel, NetLogo, and a somewhat less extensive familiarity with C, C++, PERL, and MySQL. The primary purpose of this site is to showcase some of the work I have done with these tools. Everything should work well in most browsers, but the majority of testing is done using Firefox and Chrome. Viewing any NetLogo work will require installation of either the NetLogo program or a Java plugin for your browser if your computer is not already so equipped.

Enjoy browsing around, and please don't hesitate to contact me via phone or email with any questions or employment opportunities.

